Oklahoma Wheat Commission

Company Spotlight

International & Domestic Marketing

The Oklahoma Wheat Commission is committed to ensuring the competitiveness of Oklahoma wheat in national and international markets. The Commission invests producer contributions in market development through the Wheat Foods Council and U.S. Wheat Associates.

U.S. Wheat Associates

U.S. Wheat Associates is the export development organization representing the U.S. wheat industry. USW promotes global exports by demonstrating the consistent quality, reliability and availability of the U.S. wheat. With the support of 19 states wheat commissions and matching contributions from the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, USW conducts market analysis, trade servicing, technical assistance and consumer promotion in 130 countries.

The Wheat Foods Council

The Wheat Foods Council uses various national promotions to raise consumer awareness about the important role wheat-based foods play in a balanced, healthy diet. Producer contributions are matched dollar for dollar by milling and baking industries in support of the WFC.